Hi there, it's me, Chula! I can't believe it took my mom this long to figure out how to let my adoring public watch me as closely as they want. But here I am! (and really, she does try so hard - my mom I mean). Hopefully she'll be able to add all the bells and whistles as time goes by.
Let me tell you a little bit about me and my family- I'm the princess of the household (but you already knew that), I love snuggling under covers and bossing around the various members of my royal court. Let's see....... there's Poncho, my on again/off again boyfriend. And also Boomer, who is the real love of my life. And there's Kenz, my sweet big sister. Ruthie is my other sister. She's sweet too but gets annoyed real easy. Oh yeah, I can't forget Gwenny - she's new to the court. She's a little too rough for my taste but my mom promises she'll grow out of it.
Hopefully I'll have some pictures up soon and some interesting "tails" of adventure to tell.