Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Well, we're all in trouble except for Ruthie (goody two-paws). Our dad came home early today and found that Boomer, Kenzie and Gwenny had broken out of the backyard. They somehow managed to open the front door to the house (I'm not ratting anyone out here - Gwenny) and let me and Poncho out into the neighborhood. Plus they got in the house and ate a whole loaf of bread (and most of the plastic). Here's all that was left:

Now I'm not saying that Poncho and I didn't eat any of the bread but we were outside when Dad got here. Of course, I may have given it away when I threw up a little while ago and clearly it was a crust of bread but by the time Mom rushed over I ate it to hide the evidence (Thank GAWD I'm a dog and can do stuff like that). So she might not have noticed. Next time I'll have to go to a different room if I have to throw up (I'm so clever).

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